Account Application
ALLPET is a wholesale supplier to businesses in the pet industry. Subsequently, we will only supply the following businesses:
- Groomer
- Breeder
- Vet clinic
- Commercial retail pet store
- Online pet suppliers retail website
If your business type falls outside of the above, please provide a detailed description of services provided, along with your application.
If you’re looking into a new business venture and don’t have a website or physical store, unfortunately we cannot approve your account or provide you with wholesale information. Please pop back here when you’re in the start-up phase.
You are eligible to apply for a wholesale account if you operate a registered pet related business as above.
30 Day EOM Credit Account
To apply for an EOM account, you need to have an active ABN and be able to purchase a minimum $300 plus GST per order (plus delivery fee if applicable). Please click the button below to apply now, we will be in touch once we’ve reviewed your application.
Cash on Delivery (COD) Account
In order to apply for a COD Account, you must be either a Groomer, a Vet Clinic, a Commercial Retail Pet Store or have an Online Pet Supply Retail Website. A minimum of $300 plus GST must be met on all orders. Please click the button below to apply now, we will be in touch once we’ve reviewed your application.
VIP Breeders Club (Perth, WA)
If you’re a registered breeder in Perth WA, you can now apply to join our VIP Breeders Club. By joining this club, you can receive wholesale pricing at our Perth based showroom in Welshpool. Please click the button below to apply now, we will be in touch once we’ve reviewed your application.
Please note – applications are only open to Perth based breeders.